Only some among the many benefits of the practice of the ashtanga Yoga

bbYoga-Beatrice • 29 juin 2017
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Where Does Ashtanga Yoga comes from briefly

Ashtanga Yoga is a traditional system of Yoga – transmitted by S.K. Pattabhi Jois – that starts with the movement of the body, in which the synchronization with the breath is the central point, and it goes on helping us to calm and to focus our spirit.

The term Ashtanga, means, literally, 8 branches.

We find this word in one of the oldest and most important writings of Yoga – “Yoga Sutra” of Patanjali – which shows us 8 instruments of the Yoga system that allow the union of body, spirit and soul.

These 8 elements are:

Ethical behaviours that we have to adopt towards others (Yama)

Ethical behaviours that we have to adopt towards ourselves (Niyama)

Postures’ practice (Asana)

Control of the breath (Pranayama)

Control of the senses (Pratyahara)

Concentration (Dharana)

Meditation (Dhyana)

Contemplation (Samadhi)


Ashtanga Yoga Is Good For the Mind

Regular practice of Ashtanga Yoga brings in mental balance. A yoga abhyasi (person who practices yoga) is less likely to be susceptible to emotional upheavals.

Ashtanga Yoga Ensures Optimum Utilization of the Mind

The practitioner is less likely to succumb to hatred and jealousy. Ashtanga Yoga ensures optimum utilization of the mind. This results in increase in the ability to concentrate. People who practice yoga are less likely to be affected by stress, depression and anxiety.

Yoga Is Skill in Action

Ashtanga Yoga increases the ability to cope with difficult situations in life. It helps you in handling situations calmly, without succumbing to rage. In the Bhagavad Gita, a holy text of Hinduism, Lord Krishna says, “Yogah karmasu kaushalam”. This means “Yoga is skill in action”. Regular practice of yoga makes you more skillful in what ever you may be doing. It also improves your creativity.

Yogasana Promotes Excellent Health

Regular practice of various asanas (physical postures) ensures good physical health and general well being. It strengthens the muscles, bones and the nervous system. It is ideal for toning and strengthening the body, while remaining lean. It prevents many diseases by strengthening the immune system. It is very effective in preventing obesity.

Yoga Postures are Good for the Body

Asanas strengthen the cardiovascular system. It improves digestion and regulates hormone production. It helps maintain healthy metabolism. It enhances flexibility and improves stamina. Yoga teaches you to breathe properly. This results in increase in the amount of oxygen to the body and in removal of toxins from the body.

Ashtanga Yoga Enables You to Take Control of Your Life

Ashtanga Yoga improves your health and helps you take control of your life. It brings joy, strength, purity, patience and bliss into your existence.

Learn Yoga from a Master

Dhyana, if practiced properly, can improve your understanding of your position in the overall scheme of things in this universe. Yoga can cause great harm if practiced without the help of a qualified teacher (usually called a guru). It is not advisable to practice yoga by reading a book or by viewing a DVD.

By Beatrice Bassi


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