
Ashtanga Yoga
by bbYoga-Beatrice 6 March 2020
The best thing about Ashtanga Yoga is that it doesn’t allow you let avoid the pose you need the most. In real yoga the asana is not fashionable. It has to be effective and it has to come when you are ready to afford it. We never find ourself in our comfort zone. We can... The post The best thing of Ashtanga Yoga appeared first on BBYoga.
by bbYoga-Beatrice 26 February 2020
Desidero confortare chi sa che sono in Italia in questo momento (non sono a Milano, sono a Modena)  e che si preoccupa, (grazie a tutti per i messaggi!); sto molto bene e tutti i miei cari anche, per fortuna! Sinceramente questa è (ovviamente è solo la mia opinione) l’unica cosa sensata che ho letto su... The post My permanence in Italy during the Coronavirus appeared first on BBYoga.
by bbYoga-Beatrice 12 February 2020
Thanks to everyone for all your energy. Keep practicing while I will be in my personal yoga study like every year and everything will come. Remember…. as my beloved teacher always says to me: less is more! Doing a little bit constantly is better that not doing anything. Déjà hâte de vous revoir en mars!... The post Last class before my annual studies appeared first on BBYoga.


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