Yoga is a discipline which allows to obtain an excellent health of the musculoskeletal system, a constant maintenance of the back, lightness and flexibility of the body, a better functioning of the respiratory and circulatory systems, and a strengthened mental balance.
Ashtanga Yoga, in particular, is a traditional form of Yoga, transmitted by SK Pattabhi Jois, which starts from the movement of the body, in which synchronization with the breath is the central point, to arrive to calm and focus the mind. .
Vande Gurunam charanaravinde
Sandarshita svatmasukavabodhe
Nishreyase jangalikayamane
Samsara halahala mohashantyai
Abahu purushakaram
Shankhacakrsi dharinam
Sahasra sirasam svetam
Pranamami patanjalim
I bow to the Lotus feet of the Supreme Gurus
who teach the good knowledge,
showing the way to knowing the Self,
awakening great happiness;
who is the doctor of the jungle,
able to remove the poison
of the ignorance of conditioned existence.
To Patanjali, an incarnation of Adisesa,
white in color with 1000 radiant heads (in his form as the divine serpent, Ananta),
human in form below the shoulders holding a sword (discrimination), a wheel of fire (discus of light, representing infinite time), and a conch (Divine sound) – to him, I prostrate.
Swasthi-praja bhyah
pari pala yantam
Lokaa-samastha s
Om shanti, shanti, shantihi
Let Prosperity be GlorifiedLet Rulers rule the world with law & justice Let divinity and erudition be protected Let all beings everywhere be happy and free
Aum peace, peace, peace
Sri K. Pattabhi Jois began his studies in 1927 at the age of 12 under the guidance of Sri T. Krishnamacharya. He devoted himself to the daily practice of asanas, meditation, pranayama and deepening yoga by studying the ancient original texts.
In 1948 he founded the Ashtanga Yoga Research Institute in Mysore, southern India, to teach the traditional method described in ancient texts and received by his Master (Guru). SK Pattabhi Jois became famous for teaching a method, Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga: a system that relates the movement of the body to the synchronization of the breath. One of the most famous phrases of this great Master who synthesizes the foundations of Ashtanga well and that Pattabhi Jois used to say to his students during his lectures, is: “Practice, practice! 99% of yoga is practical, 1% is theory. ”
Beatrice Bassi
Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga
Postural rehabilitation therapist
Méthode Mézières/Bertelè
Saint Tropez - France
+33 624 794098
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