Marichyasana D

bbYoga-Beatrice • 24 novembre 2017
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Today I would love to talk about an important asana of the first series, Marichyasana D.

This twist is a challenging pose to get into and may require years of practice to complete.  Patience and diligent practice will bring forth the benefits of this posture.  Twists are important asanas for spinal health; they keep the spine flexible (a rigid spine is more prone to injury as it can not absorb shock) and bring fresh blood supply to the spinal nerves.  Marichyasana B and D help relieve pain in the back and hips while opening the shoulders and strengthening the neck.

Marichyasana D is one of the three main creators of strength and support in the primary series; it is in the heart of the series and one of the core postures. The entire Marichyasana series cures gaseous movements in the stomach and intestines, with that flatulence, indigestion, and constipation are eliminated and digestive power is restored. These asana also directly benefit the kidneys.

The post Marichyasana D appeared first on BBYoga.

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