The imagination creates the reality.
This is my thought for this week. The following study has been taken in loan from Italo Pentimalli, ( and it is a story concerning the imagination and the reality.
Doctor Herbert Benson, a cardiologist of Harvard, was doing some searches to understand which links there were between the stress and the elevated blood pressure. During its studies, he got in touch with a group of people who daily used to meditate and he discovered that the meditation had beneficent effects on the blood pressure.
Wanting to deepen his searches, it began to study the Tibetan monks and, tightening a friendship with the Dalai Lama, it had the possibility to see monks dressed with simple loin-cloths and damp sheets to withstand the icy temperatures of the Himalaya, 4500 meters on the sea.
The monks, rather than to shiver, to have decreases of temperature and then to die, visualized a flame in their own belly.
The result was a raising of their own bodily temperature that arrived, even, to dry the wet sheets.
The power of the meditation and the visualization is endless. Our power is endless. We just need to have faith and constancy in the practice, dedicating few minutes per day every day.
Have a good practice!
By Beatrice Bassi
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Beatrice Bassi
Yoga et
rééducation posturale
Saint Tropez - France
+33 624 794098
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