The focus of this week is going to be about some wise advises given by His Holiness the Dalai Lama.
1) Let go complaining people, judging ones and, more in general, the negative ones. All those energies are garbage. You must act in this direction so that the basket for the garbage that they are looking for, won’t be your mind.
2) Regulate your debts and your credits. Hold also a note of your economic entrances and exits because money is energy.
In case you really understand that someone cannot honor a debt with you, just let it go.
3) Keep your promises. You have the right to change your opinion, but this must not become inconclusiveness. More simply, learn to say no to something that you realize you don’t want to do.
4) As far as possible, try to delegate the things that you prefer not to do learning not to centralize the assignments. Take for yourself the time and the space for what you like to do.
5) Allow yourself to the non action in order to rest, but also to the action when you have a good occasion to take.
6) Free yourself of what doesn’t serve you anymore, by making order and organizing. A messy space full of things of the past, subtracts a lot of energies. Energy flows well in the orderly, clean and parish priest environment.
7) Put your health as first priority. An healthy body is a door to good humor, stability and strength. The physical exercise and the correct feeding are fundamental for the internal balance.
8) Face and free your self from toxic situations that you are may be tolerating from your family, of a friend, or a companion. To be clear and to face people openly is much better than to suffer.
9) Accept, but without any resignation. Nothing makes you lose more energies than a situation that you cannot change.
10) Forgive. Free the for-gift as a gift to yourself: let go the memory of a situation or someone that causes you pain. Not letting go, means instead to still be dipped in that situation or in that relationship, as if it was actual.
By Beatrice Bassi
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Beatrice Bassi
Yoga et
rééducation posturale
Saint Tropez - France
+33 624 794098
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